The client is the leading provider of prescription drugs and human vaccines. The core strategy of Client was to create value by rapidly developing, launching and successfully marketing innovative pharmaceuticals that satisfy unmet medical needs in large patient populations.
FreeSoft as a technology provider and migration partner was subcontractor of Oracle in the project.
The Project
Client approved a cost savings initiative to move all applications running on the IBM ES9000 machine using the OS/390 operating system to a HP UNIX platform. All source databases on the ES9000 were migrated to the current version of Oracle. All application processes originally running on the ES9000, the ETL processes associated with the SAP Data Warehouse data feed had been migrated. FreeSoft’s major work groups in the project:
- Create the Oracle Physical Database (up to 4200 tables, some hundreds of views)
- Initial Load of the Oracle Database
- Re-platforming of the ETL processes
FreeSoft utilized its LiberatorWorkbench framework to deliver the project. The following tools were used:
- KnowledgeLiberator for analyzing the DB2 schema and control files
- KnowledgeLiberator for analyzing the SQL procedures
- DataLiberator for converting the Oracle schema and generating scripting for data transform and load process
- CodeLiberator for COBOL re-platforming
Benefits realized by customer
- Implement DW on the cusotmer’s strategic platform
- Cost savings by retiring the current hardware platform and eliminating third party maintenance costs